
Store Hair Extensions In Right Way

Its vital for you to store and remove your hair extensions if you want to reuse them.but how to remove and store them correctly.Here are some advices.

Different types of hair bundles must attached differently,so they also have different methods to remove.Usally,Bonded extensions need a keratin dissolvent to uninstall while Taped-in extensions require a tape release dissolvent to do it.

You need to take care of hair extensions after removing.use shampoo to removes dirt and grime from the extensions while condition will prevent them from tangling.make sure to remove the grease and styling products which will build up from the base of extensions.Finally,detangle hair bundles after them are washed and clean.

Ensure to bursh the bundles to remove tangles before storing.Never shtore your hair extenions when they are in wet or damp condition as it will cause much mildew and mold.air dry or blow hair extensions in natural form.

Place hair extensions into a container that is large enough for them to be store in natural shape just as you first time to get it.put the container in a cool and dry place that is not exposed to UV light to avoid fading.take the bundles out if you are not busy as it can  keep them from getting a musty smell.


